
College/School Eligibility:

  • Agriculture and Life Sciences

Class Year Eligibility:

  • Second Year (undergrad)
  • Third Year (undergrad)
  • Fourth Year + (undergrad)

Open to:

  • Cornell Undergraduate Students

GPA Requirements:

Minimum GPA: 3.00

Successful applicants must:

  • Be a registered full-time student in good academic standing
  • Meet minimum requirements of CALS and the program (GPA, prerequisites, study focus, etc.)
  • Be in good standing with the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards (NOTE: Students in “restricted good standing” will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis)
  • Be a junior or senior
  • Where possible, have finished any work required to resolve any incompletes. If you have more than two incompletes, you must meet with a CALS Student Services advisor to determine eligibility to study abroad.
  • Demonstrate good interpersonal skills, the interest to study in a different environment, and enthusiasm to be an ambassador for Cornell University and CALS.
  • Apply by CALS application deadlines

While abroad students:

  • Must remain in good academic standing with a minimum GPA of 2.75 (may be higher depending on program specific requirements).
  • Must enroll in a minimum of the equivalent of 15 US credit hours (may return more).
  • Understand credits earned abroad will return as Cornell credits (may also return as major/minor/distribution/CALS credits).
  • Must take a course in the official language of the host country (ex. studying in Spain, must take Spanish). If English is one of the official languages (ex. England), no foreign language course is required.
  • Must take all of my courses for a letter grade while abroad (no pass/fail classes).
  • Must earn a C or better to receive credit for the courses I take abroad.
  • Understand that regardless of the grade earned abroad, all grades will appear on my official transcript as an official note.
  • Understand that grades earned abroad will NOT be factored into my GPA.
  • While abroad, cannot take online coursework through my host institution, at Cornell or elsewhere. This includes as independent study.
  • Understand PE classes cannot count toward credit hours (same as if studying at Cornell).
  • Understand any major/minor credits must be approved by faculty advisors/department coordinators.
  • Cannot enroll in duplicate courses (overlaps of classes taken at Cornell).
  • Must request an official transcript to be sent to CALS Student Services. CALS Student Services must receive an official transcript for credits from abroad for credits to be added to student's academic record
  • If a Senior studying abroad in my final semester, must petition to go abroad my final semester in DUST.
  • Understand that if I have an outstanding incomplete for Cornell coursework, where possible, will finish any work required to resolve the incomplete prior to my semester abroad.
  • Understand with two or more outstanding incompletes for Cornell coursework, will need to work with CALS Student Services Office advisors to determine eligibility for study abroad.