
This information is provided as a guide for estimating the cost of attendance for the semester exchange program. Estimated NTU fees are provided by NTU. Actual expenses may vary. Many factors, including currency fluctuations, personal spending habits, and course supplies will effect budget projections.

Cost provided below represents the estimated cost of attendance for one semester.

Item   In State   Out of State   Comments
Billed by Cornell Bursar            
Tuition   $20,191.00   $30,143.00   billed in July for fall and December for spring
Out-of-Pocket Expenses           in USD
Resident Permit   $132.00   $132.00    
Legal Liability Insurance   $150.00   $150.00    
Accommodation (Campus)   $1,400.00   $1,400.00    
Books/Supplies   $265.00   $265.00    
Personal Expenses   $3,300.00   $3,300.00   includes transportation, meals, and personal expenses
Round-trip Travel   $1,500.00   $1,500.00   based on flights from New York
Expense Total   $26,938.00   $36,890.00    

Your financial aid package for your semester abroad will travel with you and be adjusted based on the estimated cost of attendance (housing, food, university sponsored excursions, etc.).

CALS has created a cost comparison spreadsheet between exchange programs and most attended study abroad programs offered through the Office of Global Learning for reference. Please note, we cannot provide a cost comparison for all programs. You can do a cost comparison using the same categories. 

Direct questions concerning financial aid awards and disbursements to the Office of Financial Aid (607-255-5145 or