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Cornell University


Students will select one or two of the following three-credit courses (with the exception of SPAN 1230, which is four-credits). Although not required, it is recommended that students register for six credits.

As part of the program, students should expect to participate in weekly excursions as a full group. These would include exploring different parts of Madrid and other parts of Spain such as Alcalá de Henares, Toledo, Segovia, and Cuenca.

Continuing Spanish (SPAN 1230) (4 credit hours)

*Will not be offered in Summer 2024

  • Prerequisite: SPAN 1120 or 1220, LPS 45-55, or SAT II 460-580
  • After this course, students may take SPAN 2000, 2070, or 2090

Spanish Intermediate Composition and Conversation I (SPAN 2090)

  • Prerequisite: SPAN 1230, LPS 56-64, SAT II 590-680, or CASE Q
  • Satisfies option 1 of the language requirement for Cornell's College of Arts and Sciences
  • Fulfills the prerequisite for the Spanish major at Cornell
  • After this course, students may take SPAN 2095

Spanish Intermediate Composition and Conversation II (SPAN 2095)

  • Prerequisite: SPAN 2070, SPAN 2090, or CASE Q+
  • Satisfies option 1 of the language requirement for Cornell's College of Arts and Sciences
  • Fulfills the prerequisite for the Spanish major at Cornell
  • After this course, students can take SPAN 2140, 2150, 2170, or SPAN2180

Monologue:Being in the World (SPAN 2097)

  • Prerequisite: SPAN 2095
  • This course can be used as an elective for the Spanish minor and/or major  

Advanced Spanish Writing Workshop (SPAN 2180)

  • Prerequisite: SPAN 2095, CASE Q++, or equivalent
  • Required for the Spanish major AND/OR minor at Cornell
  • May be taken concurrently with SPAN 2140, SPAN 2150, or SPAN 2170

Perspectives on Spain (SPAN 2230)

  • Open to all language levels
  • An elective for the Spanish major
  • Required for the Spanish minor at Cornell

This program can fulfill a language requirement or prepare you for early entry into a minor or major in Spanish at Cornell.

Courses may counts toward the 120 credits that Cornell undergraduate students must earn for graduation. Depending on a student's college, the courses may also fulfill other requirements for electives, distribution requirements, or majors.

Class location

Classes will be held at the Instituto Internacional Americano, a facility used by other American programs as well as a place where English classes are taught, thus ensuring a mix of American and Spanish students on the premises.

Course expectations

You'll be expected to:

  • Attend class daily.
  • Complete all assignments in a timely manner.
  • Actively participate in class discussions and field trips.