
As a participant on this internship program, students will enroll in three courses at Queen Mary, University of London (the equivalent of 12 U.S. credits) and will be placed in an internship in lieu of enrolling in a fourth course (a normal full course load at Queen Mary is four courses).  Students will earn 3-4 additional credits for the internship, via a separate transcript issued by Arcadia University*.  

*Students in the College of Arts and Sciences may participate in this program but will not earn credit for the internship.  Instead, A&S students will earn a total of 12 credits for their participation in the program upon completion of, and earning passing grades in, their Queen Mary courses.

You can read more about Arcadia's internship options and placement guide via Queen Mary's website.

All subject areas at Queen Mary are open to Study Abroad students.  You can choose to concentrate in one area, or choose modules from up to three different subject areas. All departments offer pre-registration and there is seldom any problem in getting into any required classes.  Please read over Queen Mary's Academic Information page for more information about their academic program (teaching, credits, grading, etc.)

Your academic experience abroad is going to be very different from home. Working under the policies and processes of the local institution, you may find a lot less structure, or a lot more.

Course Selection & Enrollment

  • To find information on specific courses, please visit Queen Mary's Module Directory (course catalog).
    • If you need more detail than what is listed in the course description, follow instructions in the How can I request syllabi? drop-down.
  • For details about placements in the Internship Program, review the Internship Placement Guide.
    • Please note: Parliamentary internships are not available due to an update in UK policy
  • For assistance in selecting courses, see your faculty or college advisor. (Note: You may earn elective, distributional, minor or major credit depending on your major and college.)
  • You may need to look at courses from a previous semester (i.e.: the most recent spring semester if you want to select classes for a future spring abroad) 

Course Load & Credits

  • Take the equivalent of 15 Cornell credits (= 3 courses at QMUL + 1 internship course with Arcadia) for a full semester, even if it is possible to take fewer and still graduate on time.  Students in Arts and Sciences can only earn 12 credits on this program, as the college will not accept the internship credit.
  • Decisions on the final allocation of credit are made upon successful completion of the course (must earn grade equivalent of a “C” or higher—all courses must award a letter grade).
  • For more information on courses and credits from abroad, including policies regarding start/end dates, refer to the Academic Policies page on the Education Abroad website. 

Transcript & Grades

  • Grades will appear on the Cornell transcript in the same format as they are recorded on the original transcript generated by the host institution. Grades are not factored into the Cornell GPA.
  • For information on how grades appear on the transcript and frequently asked questions, including transcript dates for graduating seniors, please refer to the Transcripts and Credits page on the Education Abroad website.
  • Your program will send your transcript to the Education Abroad Office.