
Minimum GPA: 2.75

Terms and Dates:

  • Summer 2025
    May 18, 2025 to August 24, 2025


Carrie Simon

Cornell Affiliations:

Agriculture and Life Sciences, School of Integrative Plant Science


This internship is in-person.

Fellows are expected to work with the farms for an estimated 8 hours per day, 5 days a week (varies per farm context) for two months.

Opportunity Description

The Lund Fellows Program for Regenerative Agriculture provides Cornell undergraduate students across disciplines with the opportunity to broaden their perspectives and understanding of natural ecosystems and to learn about ecological and social approaches to agricultural systems. 

The Lund Fellows Program provides students opportunities to gain applied experience working on an agroecological farm and contribute to the farm in meaningful and helpful ways, while learning about the process and considerations involved in managing such an enterprise.

We work to spread awareness about the value and mission of agroecological biodynamic, organic, regenerative, and sustainable approaches to farming, strengthen relationships between the university and local farms and provide assistance to small farms that could not otherwise fund summer internships. 

Host farms participating in the Lund Fellows Program were prioritized based on the following values: 

  • Explicitly uses agroecological, biodynamic and/or organic farming methods
  • Diversified farm (not just certified organic with industrial farming approach)
  • Small-scale farm (less than 200 hectares)
  • Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) farmers when possible

Internship description

We can tailor the specific position description according to the needs and skills of the intern.  Everyone on the farm team takes part in the daily harvest, washing, and packing of the CSA shares.  Interns will also take part in greenhouse propagation, transplanting, weeding, tomato trellising, deer fence construction, and irrigation.     

Basic Qualifications and Preferred Experience

The ability to work outdoors in various weather conditions, be able to lift 40 to 50 lbs, and enjoy physical labor.  Preferred experience in agriculture, landscaping, or restaurant work but it is not required. 

Internship schedule

During June, July, and August the farmers work 9 hour days Monday to Friday.   

About the farm

Roxbury Farm CSA started in 1991.  Today the farm is co-owned by Jody Bolluyt and Keri Latiolais.   We grow 20 to 25 acres of organic vegetables each season and an additional 20 to 25 acres are in cover crops each year.  We raise grass fed beef and pastured pork.  We also make hay, baleage, and rye straw. Most of our meat and produce goes to our 930 member CSA.  We deliver CSA shares to NYC, Westchester County, the Albany area and locally at the farm.  We also do one farmers market and some winter wholesaling.  We have a team of 10 to 12 farmers each season.

Learn more about the farm.

Notes about location

A car is required for work.  We are located in a rural area with little public transportation so we recommend having a car for transportation to and from your housing and for weekends and evenings.