
Terms and Dates:

  • Spring 2024
  • Spring 2025


Kristen Grace

Cornell Affiliations:

Global Learning


not available in Fall

Open to students from AAP, Brooks, CALS, Dyson, ENG, Hum Ec, ILR, Nolan

This program does not have capacity constraints; no back-up is required.

Opportunity Description

Spend the semester in Berlin --the dynamic and multicultural city at the heart of the EU’s economic and political powerhouse. Begin or expand your study of the German language. Explore your academic interests by enrolling in courses taught in English alongside other international students. Discover contemporary German life and immerse yourself daily in the city’s remarkable history!

What is unique about this program?

  • Study in Berlin regardless of your level of German -- Use this application for Beginning and Intermediate German with courses in English
  • Enjoy the support of the Berlin Consortium, now in its 25th year of welcoming students to Berlin
  • Live in student housing
  • Follow the U.S. academic calendar

The Beginning and Intermediate programs work with the Freie Universitaet Berlin European Studies Program (FU-BEST). 

All students take 4 courses

Intensive beginning German + 3 courses in English

Intermediate German (varying levels) + 3 courses in English

Students with two years of German or more study on the Berlin Consortium for German Studies program which offers Fall, Year, and Spring options.

How do I apply?

Determine which Berlin program is right for you.  Meet with Frau Gunhild Lischke, German Studies, if you have any questions.

Completion of Cornell's application is required before the Office of Global Learning can submit the "home school approval/nomination" form that is part of the program application managed by Columbia.

  1. Apply for Cornell approval
    • Use the link below to apply to the Beginning & Intermediate Program with English classes (not available for the Fall Semester)
  2. Apply for program admission via Columbia's BCGS page for the appropriate program