
Your academic experience abroad is going to be very different from home. Working under the policies and processes of the local institution, you may find a lot less structure, or a lot more.

All students are advised to be as flexible as possible with their module requirements. There are no guarantees for any modules at UCD, and some modules are in high demand and will be difficult to register for. The language of instruction at UCD is English. 

Course Selection & Enrollment

  • CALS exchange students must take 4 out of 6 courses from the UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science
  • To find information on specific courses, go to UCD's Course Search page to access their course catalog. Be sure to read information on this page regarding course restrictions. It is best to click on “Search all Modules” and then Filter by Keyword or Subject.
  • For assistance in selecting courses, see your faculty or college advisor. (Note: You may earn elective, distributional, minor or major credit depending on your major and college.)
  • You may need to look at courses from a previous semester (i.e.: the most recent spring semester if you want to select classes for a future spring abroad)

Course Load & Credits

  • Take the equivalent of 15 Cornell credits (30 ECTS at UCD) for a full semester, even if it is possible to take fewer and still graduate on time
  • Decisions on the final allocation of credit are made upon successful completion of the course (must earn grade equivalent of a “C” or higher—all courses must award a letter grade).
  • For more information on courses and credits from abroad, including policies regarding start/end dates, refer to the Academic Policies page on the Education Abroad website. 

Transcript & Grades

  • Grades will appear on the Cornell transcript in the same format as they are recorded on the original transcript generated by the host institution. Grades are not factored into the Cornell GPA.
  • For information on how grades appear on the transcript and frequently asked questions, including transcript dates for graduating seniors, please refer to the Transcripts and Credits page on the Education Abroad website.
  • You are responsible for ensuring that the Office of Global Learning – Education Abroad receives an official original transcript. Most institutions send transcripts directly to Cornell, but you may need to request that they send it.

    If possible, have them send the transcript via a secure means (password protected, Box/Dropbox, etc.) to Do not use a default email address for Cornell University. 

    Alternatively, your program can mail your transcript to B50 Caldwell Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, 14853.

Courses Taken In previous Semesters

Below is a list of courses taken in previous years for reference and not a list of course offerings. There is no guarantee of course availability. Courses are listed in alphabetical order by the subject and course code at UCD. The majors that students were in while abroad are in ( ).!W_HU_MENU.P_PUBLISH?p_tag=COURSESEARCH

-It is best to click on “Search all Modules” and then Filter by Keyword or Subject

  • AERD30210: Food and Agricultural Policy (ANSCI)               
  • AERD40040: Food and Agribusiness Strategy (ANSCI, AGSCI)               
  • AESC10010: Land Use and the Environment (ANSCI, E&S)               
  • AESC20050: Applied Zoology (Food Science)
  • AESC20060: Soil Science Basics (Plant Sciences, ANSCI, AGSCI, Interdisciplinary Studies)
  • AESC20070: Soil Resources (ANSCI)                             
  • AESC30080: Agri-Environmental Issues and Policy (ANSCI, AGSCI, E&S)        
  • AESC30220: Soil Science Applications (AGSCI)
  • AESC40150: Wildlife Conservation (ANSCI, E&S)                        
  • ANSC30020: Animal Breeding I (ANSCI)                           
  • ANSC30030: Animal Genomics (ANSCI, AGSCI)                             
  • ANSC30040: Animal Nutrition II (ANSCI)
  • ANSC30120: Non-Ruminant Animal Production (Swine & Poultry) (ANSCI)                               
  • ANSC30130: Principles of Animal Health, Behaviour and Welfare (ANSCI)
  • ANSC30170: Animal Physiology I (ANSCI)                     
  • ANSC30210: Equine Industries (ANSCI)                            
  • ANSC30220: Equine Health and Husbandry (ANSCI)              
  • ANSC30250: Equine Genetics (ANSCI)                              
  • ANSC30350: Equine Nutrition (ANSCI)                       
  • ARCH20170: Discovering Ireland: Landscape (Bio and Society, AGSCI)               
  • BIOL10070: Biology for the Modern World (ANSCI)                                                                             
  • BIOL30010:  Plant Diseases: Biology and Control (Plant Sciences)
  • BOTN30050: Diversity of Plant Form and Function (Nutritional Sciences)
  • CCIV10040: Vikings in the Celtic World (ANSCI)                   
  • COMP10030: Algorithmic Problem Solving (Info Sci.)                  
  • COMP30040: Networks and Internet Systems (Info Sci.)                  
  • CPSC30050: Organic Agriculture                        
  • IRST30150: Ireland Uncovered (Info Sci, Plant Sciences, ANSCI, Bio and Society, Biological Sciences, Biometry and Statistics, AGSCI, Interdisciplinary Studies)
  • CPSC20020: Fundamentals of Arable Crop Production (Plant Sciences, AGSCI)
  • CPSC20030: Principles of Crop Science (Plant Sciences, Food Science)                  
  • CPSC20040: Physiological Plant Ecology (Plant Sciences, AGSCI)                   
  • CPSC30030: Root and Alternative Conventions (Plant Sciences)              
  • CPSC30050: Organic Agriculture (Interdisciplinary Studies)
  • DRAM10010: Theatre Context and Conventions (Plant Sciences)     
  • FDSC10010: Food Diet and Health (Interdisciplinary Studies)  
  • FDSC20110: Food Diet & Health II – Making Healthy Food Choices (ANSCI)
  • FOR10020: Tress and Forests in Ireland (Biological Sciences: Human Nutrition)
  • FOR20100: Applied Biostatistics (ANSCI)                                         
  • FOR20110: Forests, Climate and Carbon (Food Science)
  • FOR20120: Apiculture - Bees, Pollination and People (ANSCI)                 
  • FS20130: History of Television – Production Cultures: TV History (Bio and Society)                         
  • GEOG10100: People, Places, Regions (Biology and Society)                      
  • GRC10140: Classical Myth: An Introduction (Biology and Society)
  • HIS10070: The Making of Modern Europe: 1500-2000 (Plant Sciences)
  • HIS20780: History of Science (Plant Sciences)                        
  • HNUT40240: Food Regulation (Nutritional Sciences)                            
  • HORT20070: Agricultural Botany (ANSCI)                         
  • HORT30050: Landscape Trees and Shrubs (Interdisciplinary Studies)             
  • IRST30150: Ireland Uncovered (Bio and Society, E&S)                            
  • LANG10170: French General Purposes I (ANSCI)                        
  • LANG10230: Spanish General Purposes I (Nutritional Sciences)             
  • PHIL10100: Existentialism and Humanism: An Introduction to Continental Philosophy (Food Science)
  • PHIL10040: Introduction to Ethics (ANSCI)                   
  • PHIL41280: Feminist & Gender Theory (Nutritional Sciences)
  • PHYC10070: Foundations of Physics (ANSCI)                       
  • PHYC10080: Frontiers of Physics (Food Science)                  
  • PSY30340: Human Intelligence and Personality (Bio and Society)           
  • RDEV20030: Applied Economic Analysis (ANSCI)
  • RDEV30160: Food Poverty and Policy (E&S)                        
  • SCI20020: Intro to Project Management (Nutritional Sciences)      
  • STAT30080: Models-Survival Models (Nutritional Sciences)                    
  • STAT30090: Models-Stochastic Models (Nutritional Sciences)                   
  • ZOOL20020: Animal Behaviour (ANSCI, Nutritional Sciences)   
  • ZOOL30030: Evolutionary Biology (E&S)