
Minimum GPA: 2.50

Terms and Dates:

  • Fall 2025
    August 31, 2025 to December 13, 2025
  • Spring 2026
    February 1, 2026 to May 16, 2026


Kristen Grace

Cornell Affiliations:

Global Learning

Off-campus partner:

SIT - School for International Training


This program accepts by rolling admission and may fill prior to Cornell’s deadline.

Opportunity Description

Explore social justice in urban environments. Examine how four cities around the world work, how they operate within the global economy, and how their citizens live and organize to create more just cities.

What is unique about this program?

  • Explore politics, economics, geography, and culture in the built environment.
  • Learn how to critically “read” a city and understand interconnected systems.
  • Meet renowned academics, thought leaders, elected officials, and NGOs.
  • Observe community activism, media, and businesses that make a culture thrive.
  • Live and study in three world cities undergoing rapid change and facing unique challenges.

What is unique about these locations?

Buenos Aires, Argentina

The cosmopolitan capital city of Buenos Aires has a history with an enduring legacy: European-influenced architecture; an extraction economy; large landowners; an influential Catholic church; charismatic political leadership and military dictatorships; a proud tradition of public protest; and a cultural heritage embedded in the tango. Underlying it all are the complex lives of a diverse society where former owners now work to survive, and former workers now manage retaken factories.

Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona’s origins predate the Roman Empire. The city has long influential, both regionally in Catalonia and globally. One of the most densely populated cities in Europe, it is a place where progressive urban policies and practices are implemented and tested. Explore a very different approach to the challenges facing international cities, where the theory of “The Right to the City” is ostensibly becoming reality under an administration led by Barcelona’s first female mayor.

Cape Town, South Africa

Witness firsthand how South Africa, grossly unequal by design, seeks to transform itself into a nation that bridges the urban-rural divide and provides equitable economic opportunity for all. Speak with local government leaders, social activists, and academics involved in Cape Town’s post-apartheid transformation. See the ways in which the social landscape is inscribed upon the geographic one and learn from community leaders in apartheid-legacy townships. A place of contradictions, learn while also experiencing the awe-inspiring beauty of Table Mountain and
Cape Point, where the currents of the Indian and Atlantic oceans meet, as well as the charming cobblestone streets of Green Market Square.

Things to consider before applying

  • Review the information on the Education Abroad Office’s Get Started page for important considerations on academics and finances, and a guide to next steps
  • Find answers on the Education Abroad FAQ and resource pages for Cornell study abroad policy, health, and safety updates
  • Still have questions?  Visit the Get Advice page and learn how to connect with an Education Abroad Advisors
  • Want to keep up to date with Cornellians Abroad? Follow Education Abroad on social media, @cornelliansabroad@CornellEducationAbroad

How do I apply?

Applying to study abroad is a two-step process. You may complete both steps simultaneously, but the Cornell approval process must be complete before your program advisor in the Office of Global Learning can submit any approval or nomination to the program.

  1. For Cornell Approval, click on the "Apply" button on this webpage. Applications are approved by the Office of Global Learning on a rolling basis until the application deadline listed on this page.
  2. For Program Admission, complete an external application directly on the program’s webpage, using the link in the “Snapshot” section. (Note: This deadline may be in advance of the general Cornell deadline for approval. Many programs fill by rolling admission.)