
Your academic experience abroad is going to be very different from home. Working under the policies and processes of the local institution, you may find a lot less structure, or a lot more.

Course Selection & Enrollment

  • Find information on specific courses using the NTU online catalog. Note, look at the relevant semester when info on future semesters is not available.
  • Review information on Chinese language classes (mandatory unless you are taking a class in Chinese).
  • For assistance in selecting courses, see your faculty or college advisor. (Note: You may earn elective, distributional, minor or major credit depending on your major and college.)
  • You may need to look at courses from a previous semester (i.e.: the most recent spring semester if you want to select classes for a future spring abroad) 

Course Restrictions

  1. Refer to the column "Limits on Course adding/ dropping" for each specific course on the NTU Online Course Information.
  2. The Department of Anthropology requires students to have Chinese language proficiency because there are no courses taught in English.
  3. The Department of Economics is under the College of Social Sciences at NTU. Courses related to economics can also be found in other departments (e.g. College of Management).
  4. GMBA required courses/ core courses are only open to GMBA degree students, whereas most GMBA elective courses are open to exchange students with the authorization codes given by course instructors.
  5. The following courses are NOT OPEN to Exchange/ visiting students: 
    • College of Medicine courses
    • EMBA and EiMBA courses
    • Practicum courses offered by departments
    • Lab courses offered by the Department of Chemistry
    • Courses offered by Center for Teaching Education, and all Academic Programs (學分學程)
    • School of Professional Education and Continuing Studies (進修推廣學院)
    • Summer Session (暑修) and Summer College (夏季學院) courses

Course Load & Credits

  • Students must take 15 NTU credits for 15 Cornell credits.
  • Decisions on the final allocation of credit are made upon successful completion of the course (must earn grade equivalent of a “C” or higher—all courses must award a letter grade).
  • For more information on courses and credits from abroad, including policies regarding start/end dates, refer to the Academic Policies page on the Education Abroad website. 

Transcript & Grades

  • Grades will appear on the Cornell transcript in the same format as they are recorded on the original transcript generated by the host institution. Grades are not factored into the Cornell GPA.
  • For information on how grades appear on the transcript and frequently asked questions, including transcript dates for graduating seniors, please refer to the Transcripts and Credits page on the Education Abroad website.
  • You must request your program to send the transcript to Cornell.

    If possible, have them send the transcript via a secure means (password protected, Box/Dropbox, etc.) to . Do not use a default email address for Cornell University. 

    Alternatively, your program can mail your transcript to B50 Caldwell Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, 14853.