
Minimum GPA: 2.75

Terms and Dates:

  • Summer 2025
    May 18, 2025 to August 24, 2025


Carrie Simon

Cornell Affiliations:

Agriculture and Life Sciences, School of Integrative Plant Science


This internship is in-person

Fellows are expected to work with the farms for an estimated 8 hours per day, 5 days a week (varies per farm context) for two months.

Opportunity Description

The Lund Fellows Program for Regenerative Agriculture provides Cornell undergraduate students across disciplines with the opportunity to broaden their perspectives and understanding of natural ecosystems and to learn about ecological and social approaches to agricultural systems. 

The Lund Fellows Program provides students opportunities to gain applied experience working on an agroecological farm and contribute to the farm in meaningful and helpful ways, while learning about the process and considerations involved in managing such an enterprise.

We work to spread awareness about the value and mission of agroecological biodynamic, organic, regenerative, and sustainable approaches to farming, strengthen relationships between the university and local farms and provide assistance to small farms that could not otherwise fund summer internships. 

Host farms participating in the Lund Fellows Program were prioritized based on the following values: 

  • Explicitly uses agroecological, biodynamic and/or organic farming methods
  • Diversified farm (not just certified organic with industrial farming approach)
  • Small-scale farm (less than 200 hectares)
  • Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) farmers when possible

Internship Description: The internship responsibilities  at Stick and Stone Farm include planting (greenhouse seeding, field seeding, and transplanting), hand weeding, cultivating, harvesting, washing, packing, and possibly fencing, light carpentry, setting up irrigation, vegetable delivery, etc. Work requires extensive bending, kneeling, stooping, in order to get on the level with the vegetables. Must be able to lift and carry 50#+, stand for long periods, kneel on hard lumpy ground, and generally put up with some discomfort while getting things done. Valid drivers license, Spanish language experience is helpful but not required. Join our team of talented, interesting people doing rewarding work; you will see the results of your effort, eat the fruits of your labor, and get paid to do it.

Required Qualifications: Good communication, common sense, must work (and play) well with others. Flexibility, attention to detail, and sense of humor are required. Must appreciate and enjoy challenging but productive physical labor, good food, and all kinds of weather. We prefer to hire folks with experience working on farms or in restaurants, but other outdoor/endurance activities are good to see in an applicant as well.

Internship Schedule: Full time. Typically 7am-3:30ish pm M-F, some Saturdays or late days. Early start during strawberry harvest and in very hot weather. We staggered start- May through the first week of June, continuing through 2nd week of August.

Reports To: Lucy and Chaw - Farm owners and managers

Location: 1605 Trumansburg Rd Ithaca, NY 14850

Other Information: It is the responsibility of the intern to arrange transport to and from the farm. Our location is served by the TCAT bus route 21, and is 5 miles from downtown Ithaca. 

Reports To: Lucy and Chaw - Farm owners and managers

Organization: Stick and Stone Farm is a certified organic vegetable and fruit farm established in 1995. We currently grow over 40 acres of certified organic vegetables and fruit, and manage an additional 30-50 acres of land in cover crop rotation. We employ 8-12 people seasonally, with 4-5 employees working year round. We endeavor to grow vibrant and tasty food in a way that is sustainable to our land and environment, our health, and our livelihood. We market our produce through farmers' market, local wholesale accounts, small regional distributors, and the Full Plate Farm Collective; a multi-farm CSA. While we grow over 40 crops, our main crops include beans, beets, cooking greens, root crops and winter storage vegetables.