
Languages offered and language levels required

CLS applications are reviewed by language faculty, area specialists, study abroad professionals and fellowship advisors as part of the selection process. During the first round of review, all applications are read by two outside reviewers. During the second round, top applications are submitted to selection panels.

Award recipients will be selected on the basis of merit with consideration for:

  • Commitment to learning the specific language;
  • Connection between the language and personal/academic/professional goals;
  • Preparation for the CLS Program (readiness for the intensive/immersive learning approach);
  • Adaptability, sensitivity and resilience; and
  • Contribution to the CLS Program and program goals.

CLS provides more information for each criteria on their website

Each applicant will be contacted by email in January with notification of the status of their application following the initial review process. Applicants who move past the initial review process will be notified of their status as a scholarship recipient, alternate or non-recipient by early March.