The History and Politics of Southern Africa is to be held at the University of Zambia, Cornell’s new Global Hub partner in Lusaka, the capital of Zambia. The class will introduce students to the history and politics of Zambia and more broadly southern Africa. The class examines the history of European settlement in southern Africa, the liberation wars and the independence process, Apartheid and post-Apartheid democracy in South Africa, as well as the turn to electoral democracy in Zambia, Botswana and Malawi. It then turns to an analysis of the politics, economies, and societies of contemporary southern Africa.
Travel Dates:
January 3-13, 2024 (Tentative)
- GOVT 3394 History and Politics of Southern Africa (2 credits)
(Winter 2024, Travel: January 3-13, 2024)
Nicolas van de Walle, Maxwell M. Upson Professor of Government, College of Arts & Sciences.
Muna Ndulo, William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law, Cornell Law School
Marja Hinfelaar, Southern African Institute for Public Policy and Research (SAIPAR)