
Terms and Dates:

  • Fall 2023
  • Spring 2024


Jo-Lynn Buchanan

Cornell Affiliations:

Agriculture and Life Sciences, SC Johnson Business - Dyson


For enrollment in a CALS Internship or Teaching Assistant credit please use separate forms linked through the CALS website.

Opportunity Description

Online Application opening August 11, 2023.

Several departments in the college offer undergraduate independent study (4970) and undergraduate research (4990) for academic credit. For more information, visit the CALS website. Students can access the CALS Special Studies form for the current semester through the 5th week of the current semester.  Petitions to ADD will not be accepted after the add deadline, no exceptions.

For enrollment in Internship and Teaching Assistant credit please use separate forms linked through the CALS website.

For enrollment in BIOG 2990 or 4990, please contact the Biology Department directly in 216 Stimson or visit the Biology website for more information.