When applying to the University of Copenhagen (KU), students will choose a specific faculty and will take their courses within that faculty. Updated information on courses offered in English will be available 2- 3 months prior to the start of each semester. Each faculty (college) will have a specific registration process. If a visiting student has enough academic background in a particular subject area, they may be accepted into Master level courses at the University of Copenhagen. The decision lies with the relevant department of study. Students can also enroll in Danish culture courses specifically designed for exchange students.
Students who go to KU for the fall term must be strategic in their course enrollment as some courses may end in December and others can end in January. Fall semester participants must ensure that they will return to Cornell in time for the start of Spring semester.
Your academic experience abroad is going to be very different from home. Working under the policies and processes of the local institution, you may find a lot less structure, or a lot more.
Course Selection & Enrollment
- To find information on specific courses, visit KU's course catalog. Remember to also read through information on restricted courses, to be sure you will have access to the courses you are seeking.
- This program offers language and area studies courses as electives. Language study may be required by your college. Check your college requirements.
- For assistance in selecting courses, see your faculty or college advisor. (Note: You may earn elective, distributional, minor or major credit depending on your major and college.)
- You may need to look at courses from a previous semester (i.e.: the most recent spring semester if you want to select classes for a future spring abroad)
Course Load & Credits
- Study the language of the host country (or take a course in that language) when studying in a non-English speaking country for a semester or year
- Take the equivalent of 15 Cornell credits (= 30 ECTS per semester at KU) for a full semester, even if it is possible to take fewer and still graduate on time
- Decisions on the final allocation of credit are made upon successful completion of the course (must earn grade equivalent of a “C” or higher—all courses must award a letter grade).
- For more information on courses and credits from abroad, including policies regarding start/end dates, refer to the Academic Policies page on the Education Abroad website.
Transcript & Grades
- Grades will appear on the Cornell transcript in the same format as they are recorded on the original transcript generated by the host institution. Grades are not factored into the Cornell GPA.
- For information on how grades appear on the transcript and frequently asked questions, including transcript dates for graduating seniors, please refer to the Transcripts and Credits page on the Education Abroad website.
You must request your program to send the transcript to Cornell.
If possible, have them send the transcript via a secure means (password protected, Box/Dropbox, etc.) to . Do not use a default email address for Cornell University.
Alternatively, your program can mail your transcript to B50 Caldwell Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, 14853.